Once upon a time, a little boy escaped the chaos of war in order to seek refuge in an enchanted universe full of lifeless puppets. Having spent his entire life bringing them to life, Michael Meschke –one of the most celebrated puppeteers in the world– takes a walk down memory lane as he pulls his favorite puppets out of storage and dusts them off, one by one.
Read moreMAY: Welcome to the dollhouse
Exile Room concludes the season by infiltrating the lives of two extraordinary artists, whose talent will expire along with their voices: Michael Meschke is one of the most poetic puppeteers that ever lived, while Nina Conti is a ventriloquist with existential angst. Faraway yet so close, their careers are based on their uncanny ability to bring lifeless dolls to life. Simply unmissable!
The Man Who Made Angels Fly
Her Master’s Voice
Internationally acclaimed ventriloquist Nina Conti takes the bereaved puppets of her mentor and erstwhile lover Ken Campbell on a pilgrimage to Vent Haven, the resting place for puppets of dead ventriloquists, and she points the camera at herself in an unexpected journey of self-knowledge that will bring her face-to-face with her own past.
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