MARCH: Men gone wild!
- Big River Man
- The Invention of Dr. Nakamats
Utterly fantastic and seriously eccentric 80-year-old Japanese inventor Dr. Nakamats has patented 3.357 wacky inventions, plus a serious one: the floppy disk! Dr. Nakamats is an unlikely character made for the movies, with his deadpan English and impeccable comic timing providing nonstop laughs. His next mission is to extend his life to live until 144, but first he wants to perfect his Love Jet potion, although in the words of the great man himself: “I’ve tested more than 10,000 women. Of course, I’m not doing the sex. I’m checking meters.” Need we say more? Oh, and the fact that he pays people to change street names to Nakamats avenue doesn’t diminish his greatness in the slightest. Utterly nutty, but also a paean to the spirit of human invention.