Best of Kids & Docs Ι
A handpicked selection of recently produced short films that children are sure to fall in love with. Documentary, animation and animated documentary wonders will unfold right before their very eyes!
Vigia by Marcel Barelli (Animated documentary – 2013, Switzerland/France, 8′)
Dreaming of the Golden Eagle (Drømmen om kongeørnen) by Benjamin Ree (Documentary – 2012, Norway, 8′)
Migrópolis by Karolina Villarraga (Animated documentary – 2011, Spain/Colombia, 8′)
The Hideout (Achter de Toren) by Astrid Bussink (Documentary – 2012, Netherlands, 15′)
Rabbit and Deer (Nyuszi és Öz) by Péter Vácz (Animation – 2012, Hungary, 17′)
The Herd by Ken Wardrop (Documentary – 2008, Ireland, 5′)